Ask Me To Speak


With infection enthusiasm, Dr. Victorya Michaels Rogers inspires her audiences to make better choices so you can live the life of your dreams as you discover the abundant life Christ offers. This Life & Love Coach speaks across the country at Churches, Conventions, Women’s Retreats, Conferences, Colleges, Singles & Marriage Events, Writers Conferences and more. She is the author of four books including Finding a Man Worth Keeping and How to Talk About Jesus Without Freaking Out.

For more than a decade Dr. Victorya was a prominent Hollywood agent bringing in millions of dollars for her clients in the TV and film business. It looked as though she had everything she could dream of right there in the heart of Beverly Hills. But what she did not have was one special man with whom to share her life--a dream she held dear since she was a little girl. She shares her story of dreams, perseverance and God’s precious timing. We don’t know the future, but God does and he is always faithful. God had a plan for Victorya and he has a plan for you!

With her doctorate in female friendship from The Kings University and her Master’s in theology from Fuller Seminary, she hosts the streaming series “Living the Thrilling Life with Dr. Victorya” and “The Sofa’s Edge with Dr. Victorya Rogers, and Christian Sex Therapist Debby Wade”. Dr. Victorya has also appeared on many television and radio programs and well as magazines and websites, from Focus on the Family to MTV and popular magazines Cosmopolitan to Woman’s World, Charisma to Today’s Christian Woman. Dr. Victorya lives in a suburb of Dallas with her husband, Will. They have two adult children.

Victorya’s Popular Topics


 How to Feel REALLY Loved -- Even on a Horrible, Terrible, Awful day

Love & Life Coach, Victorya reveals 2 words and 5 secrets to feeling REALLY loved--even on your worst day! Proven, not theory, these are Biblically based empowering insights. Come discover Victorya’s 5 secrets to live an authentic life filled with love--through all your highs and lows.


Significance Found: How to Talk About Jesus Without Freaking Out!

Want to go from mediocrity to a life of significance? Victorya reveals easy steps to share Jesus with anyone, anywhere, anytime all without freaking yourself or anyone else out. (Based on Victorya’s book How to Talk About Jesus Without Freaking Out)

The Fulfilling Life: Secrets to Tap into a Thrilling Life Today!

Has fear of your future or your right-now zapped you of your passion for living? Let Victorya tap you into the thrilling “John 10:10” life Jesus promises. You can experience this fulfilling life, even when you’re faced with more than you can bear.  


The Christian Gals Guide to Dating

Victorya teaches her proven secrets of how to enjoy dating while keeping your faith, character, and self esteem in tact.  (Based on Victorya's books Finding a Man Worth Keeping and The Automatic 2nd Date) 

From Hollywood to Ever After.

Encounter Hollywood, Jesus and Me and see that indeed, we make our plans but God directs our steps. Hollywood agent Victorya Michaels seemed to have the world at her feet, but her true dream eluded her until her man literally walked the red carpet. True hope for the discouraged.


Hollywood, Reality and Jesus: Is God Anywhere in Sight 

Former talent agent Victorya exposes insider secrets. Hear exciting stories of what God is doing plus see how YOU can make an eternal impact on this world's most influential mission field. 


Teen Talks

  • Finding Beauty on the Pages of Your Life - Every life is a movie, what is yours?

  • Beautiful You, Yes You, From the Inside Out - How to Release Your Authentic Beauty

  • The 3 Secrets to Feeling Love, Even during a bad, awful, horrible day



Writers Conferences

  • Victorya also speaks at Media & Writers Conferences, with 25 years experience in media, including a decade as a Hollywood agent, 3 years teaching at UCLA, & writing several books.