A Simple Change Can Change The World

This is for you out there who love God and are daily trying to make a difference in this world. You see, God is always moving. He is always working and whispering to us about our next move. When we are doing what God asks us to do He will eventually whisper our next move. He asks us to change it up a bit and do the NEXT thing for him. Are you listening? Because what you are doing right now may be a good thing for God, even a great thing for God today. But is He perhaps whispering a slight change for you to tweak a bit and change it up so he can do the next GREAT THING through you instead of a GOOD thing? That next thing may even be an Esther moment –the moment you were made for “such a time as this”. Watch this video by Tim Tebow to see what I’m getting out… God just asked him to change his verse for one game. One little risky change and see what happens:

#TimTebow #John3:16 #Hearing God’sVoice

Victorya Rogers

Hey all, I’m an Author, Life Coach & Speaker. This is my personal blog aimed at encouraging and equipping women to make better choices so you can live the thrilling life God planned just for you! I write on relationships, dreams, daily life, and life transitions. I’ve written 4 books, including “Finding a Man Worth Keeping.” I spent more than a decade as a Hollywood Talent Agent and met my Husband at the Golden Globe Awards then left Tinsel Town for love, marriage and happily ever after.


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