Will I EVER conquer this?


Been reading through the Bible since summer began. Started the New Testament today. Some new AHA comes out every time I read the pages. Today as I read about Jesus’s three temptations (Matthew 4) I was again humbled (turning into a daily thing) at how weak I am and how strong Jesus is. How easily I fall into impulsive temptation on things that should be easy to resist–dieting and spending–ugh my “thorn in the flesh times two. Wow, how hard can it be to follow a plan and ignore the impulse to eat this or buy that because “it’s not THAT much” or “it’s so convenient to just eat this now”? And yet I fail over and over again catching myself saying “there’s always next Monday.” The Bible tells us that when we are weak, He is strong. God cares about the details of our lives and that includes my weakness in health and finances. I’m not giving up. How about you?

What temptation do you fall for over and over?

When we are weak He is Strong! Read Paul’s words of encouragement as you face your daily challenges: 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.

Victorya Rogers

Hey all, I’m an Author, Life Coach & Speaker. This is my personal blog aimed at encouraging and equipping women to make better choices so you can live the thrilling life God planned just for you! I write on relationships, dreams, daily life, and life transitions. I’ve written 4 books, including “Finding a Man Worth Keeping.” I spent more than a decade as a Hollywood Talent Agent and met my Husband at the Golden Globe Awards then left Tinsel Town for love, marriage and happily ever after.


Not Again! Seriously???


 Just Keep Swimming