Frequently Asked Questions

Is coaching the same as therapy?

No, Dr. Victorya’s coaching program is not the same as psychotherapy or psychiatry. Dr. Victorya does not offer treatment planning or diagnosis offered by traditional psychologists or psychiatrists. If you feel that professional help beyond coaching is needed, please also pursue that. Coaching is designed to gain insight into your dreams and clarity on your ambitions and life discontents. After listening to clients she offers “aha” moments, short bursts of information, and overall perspective to the caller to help make your dreams a reality. Coaching with Dr. Victorya is a quick reference to and expansion of Dr. Victorya’s 25 years experience as a life coach as well as her media expertise from16 years in the entertainment industry including 11 years as a talent agent. She also has expertise in publishing and marketing having been published by major publishers and appeared on national television, radio and print.

What are the limitations of life coaching?

Dr. Victorya’s coaching is designed to help you get a clear picture of your goals and ambitions and put you on a path to achieve them, including relationship dreams, career aspirations, grief recovery, life transitions, and your spiritual life. She’ll help you identify what you need to expand, change, improve or begin doing altogether. You will gain confidence and self-esteem, and grow in your relationship with God, which enables you to go for your dreams and find your life purpose.

What is a writer's coach?

A writers coach guides you through your overall writing career from your first query letter to your first magazine article to your 20th book tour. Coaching with Victorya Rogers is two-way dialogue, between the two of you by telephone, email, or in-person. You can coach with her one time or sign up for one of her multiple coaching programs. You can also hire her to review your book or edit your manuscript. Aside from a 4 time author, Dr. Victorya was an agent for over a decade and is a marketing expert who can teach you how to build your “platform” to stand out to publishers. If you want to create a writing empire, Dr. Victorya is the coach for you.

What are the coaching programs you offer and what are the costs?


  • 50 Minute Coaching Sessions  - $200

  • 30 Minute Coaching Sessions - $125

  • In-Person options also available in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex of Texas

How do I pay for my coaching?

  1. Via MC or Visa over the phone by calling my office at (214) 257-8716

  2. Online here on my website.

  3. You can remit a check by mail to:
    Victorya Rogers Company
    P.O. Box 92522
    Southlake, TX 76092

How do I prepare for my coaching session?

You will feel more satisfied with your coaching session if you spend a few minutes thinking about what you really want to accomplish from each coaching session.  What burning questions do you want answered? Is there a current crisis in your life or are you looking for overall insight? Spend some time considering your reasons for calling and for best results, jot down your questions so you can be sure you won’t forget to ask.

What if I don’t like what you have to say, can I get a refund?

If you are not fully satisfied with Dr. Victorya’s style, you can consider the first 10 minutes of your first coaching session as a grace period. If you are not happy with how it is going, let Dr. Victorya know you would like to stop the session and your money for that session can be refunded (except for the fees covering any material you have already received).

There is no long-term commitment with Dr. Victorya’s coaching program either. You pay as you go on the individual sessions. On discounted packages, you can cancel the package prior to the second session and all but $200 will be refunded. If you begin the second session, however, no portion of the package is refundable. Dr. Victorya makes every attempt to provide you with all the information requested in the shortest time possible. You are always free to record your Zoom and phone conversations with Dr. Victorya for you to listen to over and over.