Got peace?

The unprecedented pandemic of Covid-19 continues today, as Dallas, Texas joins California, Washington and NY with a shelter in place. How do we have peace in the middle of this??? The immediate future is completely unknown for the first time in our collective lifetimes.

The Scripture gives us directions of what to do instead of worry—and that is to prayer to God and ask him to intervene in your circumstances and when you do He promises you will find peace beyond comprehension.

Have you talked to Him lately? This is a perfect time to do so, in the middle of “shelter in place”, away from distractions. Prayer is just talking to God. Revelation 3:20 tells us the Jesus is knocking on the door of our heart and if ANYONE invites Him in, He promises to come in.

In Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus gives us an easy formula for praying everyday. You may have heard it before as it is known as “The Lord’s Prayer”.

If you don’t know Jesus yet, An example of a simple pray to God to begin that relationship is “Dear Jesus, I need you. I’ve messed up and done wrong things I’m not proud of and want you to forgive me. I want you to be my God. I believe you died on that cross for me and came back to life three days later and are still alive today. Please come take over my life and help me be who you want me to be. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

After you’ve prayed that, start reading the Bible. Best place to start is the book of John (4th book of the New Testament, found about 2/3’s through the Bible—you can google it and read it online for free or download the BIBLE app for free as well. I like the Bible app by “YouVersion”.)

You’ve got this. We will get through this, day by day. Take all your worries and fears to Jesus and rest in His peace.

If you are looking for a book to read right now, here are two you may enjoy:

Say Yes to the Bridegroom by Jan Grubbs and The Day I Met God by Jim Covell & Karen Covell and Victorya Michaels Rogers (currently available on Kindle Unlimited for free!)

Victorya Rogers

Hey all, I’m an Author, Life Coach & Speaker. This is my personal blog aimed at encouraging and equipping women to make better choices so you can live the thrilling life God planned just for you! I write on relationships, dreams, daily life, and life transitions. I’ve written 4 books, including “Finding a Man Worth Keeping.” I spent more than a decade as a Hollywood Talent Agent and met my Husband at the Golden Globe Awards then left Tinsel Town for love, marriage and happily ever after.


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